Why Hire a Temporary Employee?

Taking on an employee on a temporary basis is a great way to quickly solve a problem or fill a need without long term commitment or repercussions.

Temporary employees help with the ebbs and flows of a fluctuating workload. Whether it is peak season, year-end or a client moved up the deadline on a major project an extra pair of hands for a short period of time could be exactly what you need. Additional staff during peak periods can help with the more basic duties allowing permanent employees to focus on the more important functions, this shows your staff that you value them and will not only increase productivity but will decrease absenteeism and prevent burnout.

Say an employee has fallen ill and you quickly need someone with the same specialized skill set – you don’t have time to post an advertisement, sort through resumes, interview, check references etc… Let an agency, which has a pool of candidates ready and waiting to jump into the position, do all of that.

Hiring temporary employees through an agency not only saves you and your HR team time, as mentioned above, but it will also save you money in the way that you won’t have to bring them on payroll or pay them benefits. You will save money even when you let them go as you won’t need to give notice or pay severance – they are simply finished once you no longer require them.

The best part of a temporary employee is that essentially you are taking a test drive, you’re getting to “try before you buy” and sometimes a temporary stop-gap becomes a long-term solution.

We hope you found this resourceful.
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Article Websites:

  1. http://www.pivotalsolutions.com/hrblog/temporary-staffing-benefits/
  2. http://hiring.monster.ca/hr/hr-best-practices/recruiting-hiring-advice/strategic-workforce-planning/benefits-of-bringing-in-temp-workers.aspx


Darcia Bower

Managing Director
Expert Recruiters